There's no stopping time; it just keeps going by no matter if you're ready or paying attention. We all know this, but sometimes we have to remind ourselves of this. Last year, this thought seemed to hit me harder than it ever had before. (It probably was a side effect of reaching my mid 30s.) I was happy with what I had accomplished in my life, but I also expected more of myself.
After nearly 13 years in the same career, I excelled at my job, had done some very interesting things, and visited many unique places. But in a way, I was playing it safe and was no longer growing as a person (or at least not very much.) I came to the realization that I needed to move on, but to what exactly? That, I wasn't sure of. But I decided that I could not let that stop me. I could not just sit and wait for the next opportunity to find me. I needed to create a new opportunity for myself. It was now or never.