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November 24, 2015

South Africa #12: Hallucinations

After being here for 2 weeks, I am happy to say that I have become pretty good at spotting animals while we are out on our game drives.  Sometimes I notice things that no one else saw until I pointed it out, which let's me know that my glasses prescription must be just fine.

However, for every good sighting that I have, I would say that I also make two times as many bad sightings...in my head, at least.  It is amazing how much the animals here are adapted to life in the African bush.  The animals come in so many shapes and sizes, but they all blend in perfectly with the landscape.  Even animals like zebras and giraffes, with such distinct coloring and patterns, camouflage perfectly into areas of vegetation.

I cannot count the number of times I have thought that I saw an animal, but it just turned out to be a tree stump, shadow, rock, fallen tree branch, or termite mound.  It happens so much that it really seems like I am having visual hallucinations.  In fact, not only have I mistakenly thought that I have seen pretty much every type of animal native to the South African bush, I have even (at first, or sometimes even second glance) thought that I have seen a kangaroo, chimpanzee, panda, and penguin.

Perhaps it is just due to the fact that my eyes are not used to focusing so hard for hours at time, besides when I stare at a computer screen.  Personally, I think game drives are great exercise for the eyes and mind.  The fresh air doesn't hurt either.  Perhaps I should take up bird watching to keep up this eye exercising after I return home.

Feel free to test things out for yourself with these photos.  Do you see anything or not?






Scroll down to the end for the answers.

A - Group of impala (including a super cute baby!)
B - Nothing
C - Ostriches
D - Nothing
E - I honestly don't know!  It looks like there are piles of buffalo on top of each other, or my eyes are just playing tricks on me again.

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